In the Steps of the Master by Douglas Mackley Baker

ARE YOU ABLE TO DISCRIMINATE THE REAL FROM THE UNREAL IN THE MASS OF OCCULT TEACHINGS? Dr. Douglas M. Baker, a worldwide acknowledged teacher of Esoteric Science and Metaphysics is giving you here the keys and detailed instructions to success on your journey.

But let me warn you, that once you start this journey, there is no turning back. This guide will take you there, but do not reckon on coming back. Once you have had a taste of the inner worlds, nothing in you objective world is ever the same. A consciousness expanded can never return to its original size!

Man is asleep, but when he awakens, he must tread a razor-edged path. The path outlined in the major esoteric traditions is one that leads to a higher experience, to a higher state of being. All esoteric disciplines from alchemy to yoga are systems that are designed to bring about biological changes in the brain and nervous system, changes which are essential for the metamorphosis of consciousness. This book and other volumes written by Dr. Baker will take you on your personal journey without any detours.

In The Secret Doctrine, Madame Blavatsky tells us that we are given in our lives opportunities to acquire enough of the right sort of information to take us to perfection, but we have not within our personality equipment the power to synthesise the knowledge we have gained. This is indeed true. There is no lack of teachings. Our library shelves are stacked with books, read and unread, our Halls of Learning bulge with enough knowledge to make Masters of us all, yet that wisdom, the deposit of the ages, given out by the initiates and Master lies practically ignored. Very few, only a handful in each country, are prepared to take the Secret Path to self-mastery. Only the Few will search deeper than that narrow margin or surface area of wisdom which merely brings comfort to some thwarted aspect of the personality.

In the Bible, Jacob’s Ladder is the stairway to heaven, the five initiations which you must undergo, and in yoga we speak of building the Antahkarana – the rainbow bridge to the higher worlds. This, then, is the goal – this is the journey upon which you are about to embark. As Life itself is unending, so too is this a journey without an end, and just as there is no end to life, there is no need to think of the end to this journey. Life is a flow of becoming, and so the journey is the process of becoming.

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