Graha Yogadeepika: Light on Planetary Combinations (Volume II) by Marc Boney

In this second volume on the graha yogas of Jyotisha, master astrologer, Marc Boney first gives a detailed exposition on the many planetary combinations named after Vedic deities, such as Lakshmi and Saraswati Yoga, and then goes on to explain and illustrate the oftentimes misunderstood vipareeta raja yogas. Also included are specialty combinations like those that incline a person toward spiritual renunciation, and on the other end of the spectrum, those that can indicate imprisonment. The special combinations for extreme wealth from Parashara Hora, and all 24 favorable and unfavorable bhava yogas from Phaladeepika are included in this work. All these planetary combinations with their variations are profusely illustrated, using birth charts from hundreds of well-known personalities. Most importantly, the method for qualifying any yoga to determine which will bear fruit and to what degree, is clearly explained and demonstrated. A must read for any serious student of Jyotisha!


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Golden Keys to Jyotisha (Volume II) by Marc Boney

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