Surya and Chandra Shadga: Marriage Compatibility (Based On Meena 2 Naadi Principles) by Satya Sree R (Guide NVRA Raja)


The husband and wife relationship is Pavitra Bhandham. In this book, I could see Prof. Satyasree’s effort and research-oriented analysis and marriage compatibility based on Surya and Chandra Shadgas. I am very happy that she has used the Jeeva and Sareera concept, one of the important pillars of the Meena2 Naadi system, in identifying couples happiness and in some cases issueless etc.,. Jeeva and Sareera concepts are very important while analyzing the strength of a bhava or karaka and also to arrive timing of events.

This Shadga concept was taught to me by my father when I was 11 or 12 years old. I am very happy that she has used this Shadga concept for marriage matching and the results are excellent.

                                                                                                                                                                      Dr. NVRA Raja, (Meena2 Jr.)


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