Pleiadian Spirituality: Secrets of the Pleiades, Astrology and Messages from the Pleiadians by Mari Silva (2024)

Dive into the celestial wonders and unlock the ancient secrets of Pleiadian Spirituality.

Are you ready to unlock the ancient wisdom of the Pleiadians and fully embody your authentic self?

Do you want to learn how to connect with the powerful healing energies of the Pleiadians, activate your dormant DNA, and experience tremendous spiritual growth?

Do you desire to transform your life by integrating the Pleiadians’ message into your daily life for radical results?

If you answered yes to these questions, this book is a comprehensive guide on practicing Pleiadian spirituality to upgrade your life and positively impact those around you.

In this book, you will:

  • Explore your cosmic origins through Pleiadian spirituality
  • Connect with your Pleiadian guide through meditation and other techniques
  • Take advantage of the transmissive power of light languages
  • Learn how to use crystals to enhance healing
  • Decode the hidden wisdom of Pleiadian astrology to discover your life’s purpose
  • Channel the wisdom of the Pleiadians to share profound insights
  • Discover how to have a deep connection with the divine
  • Understand how to work with a birth chart to determine your ancestry
  • Learn what the ancients knew about the Pleiadian star system
  • Embrace lightworking principles to access powerful healing energies

This book is full of powerful tools and techniques which you can use to transform your spiritual path. It will be the ultimate guide to Pleiadian spirituality, assisting you on your transformative journey of cosmic spiritual awakening.

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