Microscopy of Numerology and Astrology: An Art of Knowing Yourself by Baldev Bhatia

A thought of penning down the wonders of the mystic science of Numerology and Astrology “Microscopy of Numerology and Astrology ” has lured the astrologer to bring it to the knowledge of the millions of readers who have been striving hard to get the Real Knowledge, to know about themselves and their Zodiac Signs. The time in which they have been born with references to their Character tics; Appearance; Personality; Profession and Career; Business and Finances; Their Matching with other Zodiac signs; Romance and Marriage, their weakness and finally their Health and Disease while gathering the immense knowledge of Astrology.
Endeavouring the placement of the planetary position in one’s chart at the time of birth has enlightened the author to impact this interesting subject into a manuscript. It is hoped that this book would be a guide to their destiny and would assist them in all walks of lives. The knowledge gathered through this book will be a morale booster to each and every one that nothing is in their hands except to work hard and harder. That one’s life is predestined and gathered to move in the direction where the planets are positioned and their movement carry specific influence on their lives.
This book will definitely be an asset in ascertaining the real facts of life and the destiny as to what is stored for them in future. Various chapters have been covered and maximum emphasis have been paid to cover the Subjects pertaining to the Significance of Different House in one chart; Different Zodiac Signs, Planets and their placements in different houses and signs affliction of planets with the interpretation of the major period and the meaning of the Birth Constellation Star. The influence of Gems and Stones in one’s life, the Remedial Measures of the planets with the Compatibility of the individual zodiac signs with the other signs and the effect of various planets on them. It is hoped that this book would work and guide the readers to achieve their personal goals and would assist them to overcome All the crises, Speed Breakers and the unforeseen negatives forces, in their lives, and which would assist them in achieving their targets with a aim to reach to the destined goal of their financial prosperity, maximum happiness and progress in life. It is often said that Man is governed by his own destiny and destiny consists of two parts. The first is his hard work or the Effort that he makes to achieve his aims and goals and the second is the Time, when he is doing his action. When the time is good everything is good and when the time is bad everything seems to go wrong and bad. To know the time whether it is a good time or bad, one usually goes to an astrologer to seek his blessing and advice, to know the exact favorable time of his actions and deeds. Time is therefore the essence of astrology and it is this time that is governing the planets to favor him, or harm the individuals.
To simplify this meaning of the good or bad time the author has put all his heart and soul to materialize his hope of getting closer to the heart of readers, with a view to impart the basic knowledge of astrology to them. Hope the author has satisfied his readers with the utmost need of Knowing and understanding Astrology in brief. It is hoped that the readers will gain good experience going through this useful and purposeful book.

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