Molecular Basis of Vāta Doṣa by Dhananjay Kulkarni

More than last four decades, we are observing an intense increment in the curiosity towards the ancient healing science, āyurveda from western world. In this context, it is our prime duty to teach the basic concepts of āyurveda to the enthusiastic aspirants in scientific language, which they can understand. Unless and until we succeed in enhancing the understanding of the foreigners about the three dosha and five mahābhuta, the proper methodology of treatment in Ayurvedic purview will not be followed by these foreigners.
This book is for those scholars, who want to understand the activities of Vāta dosha with reference to the modern science. Here you can find different attributes of Vāta dosha correlated with the diverse mechanism at the cellular level. Maximum efforts have been taken to establish the paanchabhautic constitution of different amino acids/proteins, which are found essential for a particular activity related with Vāta dosha.
The discussion on the role of amino acids, either hydrophobic, polar or charged and their relation with the qualities of Vāta dosha is a backbone of this book. I have tried to establish the relationship in between hydrophobic amino acids and qualities of Vayu and Aakash mahābhuta. Another important aspect about the stability of proteins and role of Kashaya rasa is discussed elaborately, which will provide the students a new approach for understanding the aging process and the role of herbal anti-oxidants.
One of the important aspects you will find here is the, role of Vāta doṣa in the destruction at the cellular level. Different medicinal herbs and their qualities are discussed to establish the role of vāta doṣa in the treatment of different Cancers. Another significant feature discussed here, is the specific role of Cyclins and Cyclin dependent kinases in the cell cycle mechanism and here you will find an astounding similarity in the activities as cell cycle inhibitory role of Vāta dosha in relation with the cell proliferation process.
As mentioned in Taitiriya Upanishad, Agni is constituted from Vayu mahabhuta. In relation with this concept, the production of ATP by the cala guṇa of vāta doṣa is discussed precisely in this book.
It must be noted that last few years I was studying Molecular Biology and was fascinated by the methods and materials available in this branch of science. This is my genuine try to interpret the activities of vāta doṣa with the help of Molecular Biology. I am aware of the fact that, this task is not easy, but this is the first step towards the goal. Many students may feel the new terminology from Molecular Biology difficult, but I request them to go through the material twice or thrice for better understanding.

Price INR 110

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