Stree Jataka of Varahamihira (Classic) by K N Saraswathy

Female Horoscopy

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Anga Vidya (or Instant Astrological Forecast) by Varahamihira (Translation by K N Saraswathy)

Jataka Chandrika (Raja Yogas and Marriage) of Kalidas by K N Saraswathy

Gochara Phala (Fortune through Planetary Transits) by K N Saraswathy

Jataka Dwadasa Bhava Phala (Part I – House 1 to 5) by K N Saraswathy

Jataka Tattvam (Classic) by K N Saraswathy

Prasna Aaroodha (Problem Solving Astrology) by K N Saraswathy