Anga Vidya (or Instant Astrological Forecast) by Varahamihira (Translation by K N Saraswathy)

Daughter and disciple of Pandit Kada- 
langudi Natesa Sastri, Dr (Mrs) K. N. 
Saraswathy had been practising astrological 
science with him from 1950 till his passing 
away in 1961 since when she has been prac¬ 
tising independently besides researching, 
research-guiding, writing, and teaching. 
She has co-authored with her father some 
books on astrological guidance-counselling. She has on he 
own authored 21 socio-cultural books in Tamil and the 12 books 
of the Kadalangudi Centenary Astrological Book Series in English- 
She is Founder-Director of the KADALANGUDl ASTROLOGICAL- 
INDOLOGICAL RESEARCH CENTRE, a memorial to her illustrious 
father-Guru whose birth centenary year was 1978. Her specia¬ 
lity is marriage guidance-counselling. She has reputation as the 
outstanding woman astrology specialist and counsellor of Asia. 
She is connected with several national and international profe¬ 
ssional societies. In Summer 1977 she was in USA on a lecture 
tour, and in 1982 toured in Asia, Europe and USA giving lectures 
and workshops and addressing conferences. She is associated 
with some American Psychiatrists' Associations in helping them 
through Hindu Astrology to make more exact determinations 
about their patients.

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Anga Vidya (or Instant Astrological Forecast) by Varahamihira (Translation by K N Saraswathy)

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