Shakun Shastra: Birds as Harbingers of Good or Bad Luck by Pratyaksha Chaurasia


In this book, I delve into the ancient Indian practice of interpreting the behaviors and appearances of birds to unlock the secrets of our destinies. Drawing from classical texts, folklore, and my own extensive research, I explore how different birds are viewed as symbols of fortune or misfortune.

Have you ever wondered why the sight of a peacock fills us with joy or why the call of a crow might make us uneasy? I will guide you through the fascinating stories and cultural significances behind these avian signs. Each chapter offers practical advice on observing and understanding these omens, helping you apply this ancient wisdom in your daily life.

Through this book, I aim to share the profound knowledge of Shakun Shastra in an accessible and engaging way. Whether you are new to this practice or have been following it for years, I hope to enrich your understanding and appreciation of how the universe communicates through our feathered friends.

Join me in “Shakun Shastra: Birds as Harbingers of Good or Bad Luck,” and let’s explore the timeless messages that birds bring to our lives. Together, we’ll unlock the hidden meanings of these natural signs and enhance our journey through life with the wisdom of Shakun Shastra.


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