Black History Month Decoded: An Exposé of Occult Numerology in History by Clifford M Eberhardt

Have you ever wondered why Black history Month is celebrated in America on the shortest month of the year?

Did you know there was a woman before Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat on the bus for a white man?

Did you know that Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X only met in person ONCE before both men were assassinated at age 39?

Would you believe that the first black woman to receive and M.D. was in 1864 not even before the end of the American Civil War?

These facts and much more mysterious ones you will learn in Black History Month Decode: An Exposé of Occult Numerology In History

In these pages you will be….

  • Exposed to black history facts that often go overlooked because they don’t fit in with mainstream narratives.
  • Given a brief introduction into the science of numerology and see how the language of numbers and letters is interwoven into our history intentionally by those who write it as well as seeing how this language is natural at the heart of our reality.
  • Equipped with a black history fact for everyday of the month of February so you can impress your even most racially conscious friend.
  • Given a new and unique lens through which not only to see history and black history in particular but the world at large
  • Given a much deep appreciation for history as well as a healthy skepticism of the truth of history.

In short, for such a short and quick read this book is so impactful it can truly change how you view the world and thus change your life.

And I can promise you if you are a white person worried that this is going to be yet another book to make you feel guilty about the things black people have suffered or having white privilege, I can assure you you will be pleasantly surprised.

And I can promise you if you are a black person this is NOT going to be a book trying to push any political party to the black community. This book is meant to explore the secret truths hidden from not just black people but all people by and large. And I feel it is one of my God given duties to share this kind of knowledge with my fellow members of the black community.

And if you are not black or white. I can still promise you this is going to be one of the most excitingfun, and easy reads you’ve ever experienced.

Price INR 65

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