Herbal Magic: A Handbook of Natural Spells, Charms, and Potions by Aurora Kane

Herbal Magic offers a directory of magical herbs (both rare and common) alongside 36 spells using herbs to amplify casts for attraction, enchantment, trust, friendship, fortune, and success.

The plant kingdom is one of the oldest magical tools in existence. Known for millennia to have beneficial properties for both physical and spiritual well-being, many species of plants have been incorporated into the spiritual and healing practices of cultures around the world. These magical herbs are considered incredible gifts by shamans, green witches, hedge witches, and every wild woman and wild man.

This guide introduces the magical properties of plantshow to use them, and how to source them, including detailed step-by-step instructions on how to blend them seamlessly into magical recipes to harness their intrinsic powers. Tips for the budding witch cover:

  • Uses for both common and rare magical plants
  • Connecting with nature through the process of growing your own plants
  • Herbal magic lore and herbal magic spell tools
  • Tea recipes that can enhance your psychic abilities
  • Spells for attractions, trust, fortune, and friendship

Work with the energies and properties of magical plants to connect deeply with the earth and all the greenery in her dominion and magnify the power of your magic spells.

The Mystical Handbook series from Wellfleet takes you on a magical journey through the wonderful world of spellcraft and spellcasting. Explore a new practice with each volume and learn how to incorporate spells, rituals, blessings, and cleansings into your daily routine.

Price INR 85

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Moon Magic: A Handbook of Lunar Cycles, Lore, and Mystical Energies by Aurora Kane

Witchcraft for Beginners: Secrets of Celtic Wicca, Scottish Magick, Irish Pagan Beliefs, Moon Spells, Herbal Magic, Crystals, and Wiccan Rituals (Spiritual Witchcraft) by Mari Silva

Qigong and Tai Chi: Harnessing Your Chi Energy and Unlocking the Power of an Internal Chinese Martial Art (Eastern Spirituality Teachings) by Mari Silva

Ayurveda: Unleashing the Power of the Ayurvedic Diet, Yoga, Meditation, and Aromatherapy for Healing and Balancing Your Chakras (Spiritual Yoga) by Mari Silva

Planets in Astrology: The Ultimate Guide to Chiron, Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, the Moon, and Sun by Mari Silva

Nakshatras: The Ultimate Guide to the 27 Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology by Mari Silva

Vedic Astrology: The Ultimate Guide to Hindu Astrology and the 12 Zodiac Signs by Mari Silva

Jupiter in Astrology: The Ultimate Guide to the Planet of Luck, Fortune, and Opportunity (Planets in Astrology) by Mari Silva

Saturn in Astrology: The Ultimate Guide to the Planet of Karma (Planets in Astrology) by Mari Silva

Exalted Planets – Part I: Sun, Moon and Jupiter by Himanshu Shangari

Debilitated Planets – Part I: Sun, Moon and Jupiter by Himanshu Shangari

Retrograde Jupiter (Part 1 to 4 Combined) by Himanshu Shangari

Advanced Predictive Techniques of Jupiterian Periods, of 12 years by Negandhi

Successful Marriages with Jupiter in Simha (A Research) (Guide K N Rao) – Bilingual (Hindi and English)

Ups and Downs in Career: Replicable Astrological Techniques Using Transits of Saturn and Jupiter by K N Rao (2018 Edition)

Jupiter: The Planet of Luck by Hanne Klein

The Fascinating Jupiter by L R Chawdhri

The Sun in Astrology: The Ultimate Guide to the Giver of Life, Its Role in Vedic Astrology, and Sun Sign by Mari Silva

Advanced Techniques of Predictive Astrology (2 Volume Set 1 and 2 Enhanced Editions): A Vedic Treatise in Modern Times by Vishnu Bhaskar

Advanced Technique of Predictions Vol 2 by M N Kedar

Venus in Astrology by K C Saxena

Mars in Astrology by B V Raman

Retrograde Planets by Grace Inglis

Chiron in Astrology: The Ultimate Guide to the Wounded Healer by Mari Silva

Advanced Reiki Healing: Enhance Your Skills in Reiki Healing, Symbol Activations, Distance Healing, Angelic Reiki, Crystal Healing, and More by Mari Silva

Face Reading: Unlock the Secrets of Chinese Physiognomy and Discover How to Read People Like Clockwork by Mari Silva

Hoodoo and Voodoo: Secrets of Folk Magic, Rootwork, Witchcraft, Mojo, Conjuration, Haitian Vodou and New Orleans Voodoo by Mari Silva

Orishas: The Ultimate Guide to African Orisha Deities and Their Presence in Yoruba, Santeria, Voodoo, and Hoodoo, Along with an Explanation of Diloggun Divination by Mari Silva

Norse Magic and Asatru: An Essential Guide to Norse Divination, Elder Futhark Runes, Paganism, and Heathenry for Beginners by Mari Silva

Spirit Guides and Clairvoyance: An Essential Guide to Connecting with Your Guardian Angels, Archangels, Spirit Animals, and More along with Improving Psychic Abilities such as Intuition by Mari Silva

Alchemy: Unlocking Secrets of an Ancient Mystical Science by Mari Silva by Mari Silva

Akashic Records and Twin Flames: An Essential Guide to the Secret Nature of the Akasha and Attracting Your Twin Flame by Mari Silva

Hindu Astrology: A Guide to Vedic Astrology, the 12 Zodiac Signs and Nakshatras by Mari Silva

Zodiac Signs: The Ultimate Guide to Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces by Mari Silva

Reincarnation: The Ultimate Guide to Rebirth, Karma and Old Souls and What Astrology, Wicca and Other Spiritual Practices Say About Past Lives by Mari Silva

Numerology and Tarot: Unlocking the Power of Numbers and Tarot Spreads along with Discovering Symbolism, Intuition, Numerological Divination, Astrology, and Ayurveda by Mari Silva

Sun and Moon Signs: Secrets of the 12 Zodiac Signs, Different Sun-Moon Astrology Combinations, Personality Types, and Compatibility by Mari Silva

Occultism: The Ultimate Guide to the Occult, Including Magic, Divination, Astrology, Witchcraft, and Alchemy by Mari Silva

Pendulum: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Pendulums and How to Use Them for Divination, Dowsing, Tarot Reading, Healing, and Balancing Chakras by Mari Silva

Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming: An Essential Guide to Astral Travel, Out-Of-Body Experiences and Controlling Your Dream by Mari Silva

Face and Palm Reading: How to Read People Using Chinese Physiognomy and Palmistry by Mari Silva

Divination: An Essential Guide to Astrology, Numerology, Tarot Reading, Palmistry, Rune casting, and Other Divination Methods by Mari Silva

Astrology for 21st Century by Prash Trivedi

The Rahu Ketu Experience by Prash Trivedi

The Book of Nakshatras A Comprehensive Treatise on the 27 Constellations by Prash Trivedi