Fortune and Misfortune: An Astrological Analysis by K K Pathak

This book is based on the classical teachings of Parashara, Meena Raja and Sphuji Dhwaja (extensive writeup on 9th and 8th houses; Saturn in 10th Houses)


1. Introduction

2. General Rules on Bhagya Bhava

3. Effects of Planetary aspects on the Ninth House

4. Effects of Planets occupying the Ninth House

5. Effects of Conjunction of Planets in the Ninth House

6. Effects of Various Lords in the Ninth House

7. Effects of Ninth Lord in Various Houses

8. Practical Examples of Bhagya Vichara

9. A New Outlook on Fortune

10. Saturn in the 10th House

11. Riddle of Maleficence and Misfortune

12. Effects of 8th lord in various houses

13. Practical Examples of Misfortune

14. Combinations for Wealth and Poverty

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