Astrology in the Vedas and Puranas by K K Pathak

Author of “Astrology in the vedas and puranas” through his wit and profound scholarship has proved beyond reasonable doubts through the help of vedas and puranas that indian astrology has its roots in india. Our sages discovered grahas, nakshatras and their influences on mankind and the world. Our ancient sages were more believers in commencing new workat auspicious hours commensurate with favourable planetary vibrations than believers in fatalism. Present book deals with astrological inputs available in the vedas ,vishnu purana and Shrimad Bhagwat Purana.

Astrology is said to be one of the six limbs of the Vedas. Unfortunately, very few attempts have been made to discover matters of astrology present in some for or other in the Vedas and other ancient scriptures in a systematic manner. Late Dr. B.V. Raman, founder President of the Indian Council of Astrological Science and founder editor of the Astrological Magazine seeing my research interest in ancient scriptures inspired inspired me to fill in this void.

Accordingly, I made research on the Vedas, Vishnu Purana, Shrimad Bhagawat Purana, Koorma Purana, Mahashiv Purana, Valmikiya Ramayan and the Mahabharata. My research on the Vedas and Shrimad Bhagavat Purana were published in consecutive issues of The Astrological Magazine while my research on Vishnu Purana was published in consecutive issues of BABAJEE. My research works on Maha Shiv Purana, Koorma Purana, Valmikiya Ramayana and the Mahabharata were published in consecutive issues of The Times of Astrology.

I am gateful to learned gracious editors of the two great magazines The Astrological Magazine and BABAJEE, that it Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev of The A.M. and Mr. Lachchman Das Madan of BABAJEE for allowing me to use materials published in their journals in this regard in the form of a book for the benefit of readers.

The book in the hand covers three chapters only. Chapter one deals with seeds of astrology as found out in the Vedas. It brings to light some unique scientific achievements of the Vedic Age such as Law of gravitation. It also deals with Vedanga Jyotisha.

Chapter two deals with matters of astrology as enshrined in Vishnu Purana. It deals with Nine Grahas, Unit of Time, Nakshatras, Rashis etc.

Chapter three deals with philosophical base of Astrology as enshrined in Shrimad Bhagwat Purana.

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