Microscopy of Transiting Planets (Vol 4) by Baldev Bhatia

Astrology has stood the test of time ever since it revealed the mystery and the mastery of the ancient wisdom of forecasting the influence of the stars on human bodies.
The time in which someone has been born, refers to their characteristics; appearance; personality; profession, career; business, finances, their match with other Zodiac signs; romance, marriage, weakness and finally their health and disease.
This book then goes to reveal, ascertaining the real facts of life and the destiny as to what is stored for each and every reader in his or her future. Various chapters have been covered and maximum emphasis have been paid to cover the subjects pertaining to the significance of different houses in one’s chart; different Zodiac signs, planets and their placements in different houses and signs.
Natal Planetary Aspects
Natal interplanetary links and relationships between the Planets and are calculated by precise degree measurements. In order to find out what your Natal Aspects to the Sun, Moon and the Ruler of your Rising Sign are important and influential aspects are to be considered to the Trines, Squares, Oppositions and Conjunctions of their links and aspects
Utilizing this Aspect Finder align both square and trine tip together, this will allow us to see all our aspects to the Sun at one time. We have an aspect if other planets are found on any of the other tips in the orbit of the Aspect finder. We can also get this information in most books that give us the Natal Astrology readings.
Now we need to find out if your aspects are exact, close or wide by examining the degrees of the planets in transit. Are the aspects formed at the same degree, or within a few degrees or just within the limits of their influence? Aspects that are exact are more influential than those that are wide.
Other influences that help us to determine planetary attributes are “The Signs” the ultimate power that gives the sting of energy, ” The Houses” which that show the area of life by way these planets are activating along with the signs of Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable, Adjustable and Adaptable nature.
We need also to know the Elements which show the method of expression of these planets using.
Fire; Earth Air – communicative, Water, the closest aspects & tightest orbs ~ firstly and foremost between the Sun and Moon; then the Ruler of the Chart and then the rest of the planets.
General Guidelines and Overview of Conjunctions ~ Oppositions ~ Squares ~ Trines
They are used for Natal or Transiting Aspects are to be used only as a general guide to understand their interpretative influence. is Time. Natal Aspects are in knowing the effect of your entire life or for “All Time” and Transiting Aspects are only in effect during the length of the Aspect or “Exact length of Time”
Minor aspect of Planets is of:
Minor aspect of Planets is of:
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars

When Sun Conjuncts other planets: This denotes Accentuates initiative & will power to work with other Planets involved. When Sun Opposes: This indicates Conflicts of direction & will to Planets, Sign and House involved. When Sun Squares: This shows Difficulty and frustration in using will with other Planet and House involved. When Sun Trines: This is the sign of Easy creative self-expression between the Sun and other Planet and House which can be often seen.
When Moon Conjuncts: This is the indication of Heightened emotional responses influence other Planet, Sign and House. When Moon Opposes: Emotionally difficult situations influencing Planet and House opposed. When Moon Squares: This gives response of Challenges of emotional frustration and incidents to Planet and House involved. When Moon Trines: This leads to strength of Emotional balance with other Planets influence.
When Mercury Conjuncts: This creates Mental abilities are enhanced and heightened in connection with other Planets. When Mercury Opposes: This is the indication of Difficulty in com

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