Financial Astrology Almanac 2023: Trading and Investing Using the Planets by M G Bucholtz

Price highs and lows of stocks, commodities, and major indices are part of an interwoven tapestry of planetary aspects and cycles that unfold across time. Time can be measured by fractal intervals, 18.6-year Node movements, Gann Master cycles, heliocentric Kabbalah math, religious dates, retrograde movement, planetary conjunctions, planetary elongations, and even by lunar movement.

Is market reaction to these cycles purely a scientific connection? Or, are powerful money managers in financial centers like London and New York moving prices of equities and commodity futures in accordance with these cycles?

The connection between planetary movement and the markets is not a new one. In the early 1900s, successful traders like W.D. Gann, J.P. Morgan, and the mysterious Louise McWhirter recognized this connection and used it to profit from the markets.

This 2023 Almanac provides the reader with key dates relating to New Moon cycles, the movement of Venus, the action of Mercury, as well as conjunctions, elongations, and planetary declinations. These phenomena have a high propensity to result in price trend changes on stocks, indices, and commodity futures.

This Almanac then presents the reader with valuable information on fractal intervals, Kabbalah intervals, Quantum Price Lines, the Weston Model, and the post-Shemitah Year.

The information presented in this book is written to assist the reader in taking trading and investing to a much deeper level.

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