Scaling Human Lives: Astro-Tantra-Yoga-Approach by Nimai Banerjee


1. Longevity: A Discussion.
2. Marak :An Analysis.

3. Sisu Rista &Its prevention.

4. Suicide :An investigation.

5. Unnatural Death : A Research.

6. Mass Tragedies & Saturn.

7. End to of karma sutra.

8. Astro-Tantra & Remedy.

9. Chinnamasta Tantra : Remedies for Rahu.

10. Remedies for planetary Afflictions & Your problems.

11. Can Death be conquered?

Also Review

Techniques of Prediction Future by Nimai Banerjee

ABC of Indian Astrology by Nimai Banerjee

Secrets of Predicting Dasa Results by Nimai Banerjee

Swara Sadhana Breathing and Future Predictions by Dr Nimai Banerjee

Navamsha Vaidik Evam Nadi Drishtikon नवांश वैदिक और नाड़ी दृष्टिकोण (Hindi) by Raj Kumar

Delineating a Horoscope by Raj Kumar

Children and Astrology by Raj Kumar

Finance and Profession: A Vedic Approach by Raj Kumar

Education and Astrology by Raj Kumar

Medical Astrology by Raj Kumar

Prashna: A Vedic Approach by Raj Kumar

Retrograde Planets by Raj Kumar

Role of Nakshatra in Astrology by Raj Kumar

Vargas: A Vedic Approach by Raj Kumar

Charisma of Navamsha: Composite Vedic and Nadi Approach by Raj Kumar

Charisma of Planets – Timing Events by Raj Kumar

Charisma of Upachay Houses by Raj Kumar

Charisma of Trikone Houses by Raj Kumar

Astrology – A Quest Towards Unknown by Raj Kumar

Charisma of Kendra Houses by Raj Kumar

Astro Remedies – A Vedic Approach by Raj Kumar

765 Notable Horoscopes by Raj Kumar