Numerology for Love by Richard De A’Morelli (50th Anniversary Edition)

NUMEROLOGY FOR LOVERS provides an easy-to-follow and amazingly accurate program for using the science of numbers to find lasting love and perfect happiness.

In these pages, you will learn how to construct numerology love charts for yourself, your partner, and anyone else. Through these charts, you can see your destiny unfold—your future romances, physical relationships, and the powerful, hidden forces operating in your daily life.

Using numerology, you’ll be able to choose and cultivate relationships wisely, identify your ideal partner or soulmate, and build a harmonious and fulfilling environment for you and your lover that will stand the test of time. Techniques and concepts explored in this book include evaluating your Love Vibration, Romantic Destiny, Sexual Consensus, Karmic Liability, and Transcendent Challenge. Other chapters provide detailed guidelines on evaluating your relationships, assessing your emotional and physical compatibility, your love forecast, and charting your numerological life cycles.

This 50th Anniversary Edition of NUMEROLOGY FOR LOVERS has been updated and revised from cover to cover. The instructions for preparing an in-depth numerology chart have been simplified, and three new chapters have been added, offering sixty pages of invaluable new insights drawn from the thousands of numerology charts that the author has prepared and analyzed over the past fifty years.

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